New Public Landscape and Art Icon for Shenzhen Bay


LocationShenzhen, China
ClientChina Construction Steel Structure Corp. Ltd
Size86,111 sf (Site); 32,292 sf (Landscape)

CSCEC Steel is a division of the world’s largest construction company, China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited. CSCEC Steel is recognized as a leading global steel structure manufacturer; their projects include the CCTV Headquarters in Beijing, the Shanghai IFC, the new Abu Dhabi International Airport, and the 26th Universiade Main Stadium. To celebrate the company’s anniversary, CSCEC Steel built a new corporate headquarters tower and a museum, located in the core of Shenzhen’s Nanshan District. The project’s main design challenge was a reflection fountain structure, a key landscape element that had been designed and constructed prior to SWA s involvement. The 17,000-square-foot fountain covers 50 percent of the site and sits atop of the museum shops. A sunken courtyard serves as the museum’s entry, retail frontage, and a passage to the City Subway station. A green wall softens the structures on site, while also carrying the foliage of the urban park into the sunken plaza. SWA provided three fountain floor design alternatives; a stainless steel motif, inspired by the client’s logo, was the selected scheme.

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