Linking the Buffalo Bayou to Greater Houston 


LocationHouston, Texas, United States
ClientMemorial Heights Redevelopment Authority
Size784 linear feet (bridge); 5,167 linear feet (trails)

The Rosemont Bridge and connecting trails layer pedestrian infrastructure onto the Buffalo Bayou corridor in Houston, Texas and is a significant step in realizing the larger vision of a more accessible Houston. Running through downtown Houston, Buffalo Bayou is one of the significant natural bayou corridors in the City, but is cut off from adjacent neighborhoods by expressways and major thoroughfares. The goal of the project is to connect neighborhoods north and south of the corridor to the bayou and along the bayou itself. Using existing topography to leap across the roadways, sinuous ramps provides accessibility as well as tree-top views of Buffalo Bayou and downtown. The design links both sides of the bayou with the street grids on either side of Allen Parkway and Memorial Drive, providing access to the 200-acre Buffalo Bayou green space. The bridge draws visitors out over the bayou along a continuous ramped surface that meets ADA requirements for universal accessibility. This creates a subtle, elegant pathway that allows the visitor to experience the bayou from differing points of view. The 3.6576-meter wide bridge is supported along its 239-meter length by a weathering steel truss that supports the concrete deck. The bridge deck is discretely lit with LED light fixtures that are integrated into the guardrail system of the bridge allowing access and safe use after dark. The bridge and trails have become a favorite destination for pedestrians and bicyclists and an iconic photo opportunity for images of downtown Houston.

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