Opportunities for Play Extend the Work Experience “Beyond the Walls”


LocationDallas, Texas USA
Size192 acres

Facing arduous competition in the effort to attract and retain top employee talent, companies are seeking ways to distinguish themselves through the design of their workplaces.  Reimaging and reinvigorating an outdated campus into a stimulating and rewarding work environment with quality amenities was the goal. To undertake the challenge of this campus transformation, an overarching vision and master plan initiative of the improvements for the overall site was created.  The structure of the master plan was rooted in five “objectives for change”:  amenities, connectivity, identity, landscape sustainability, and lighting. The first phase of the master plan implementation included the complete renovation of three courtyard areas. The renovation featured several dynamic elements with a focus on amenities and sustainability.  Bocce courts, oversized chess boards, and ping pong terraces offer active opportunities. A large event lawn, seating areas and open gathering spaces rest underneath preserved existing trees for passive usage and flexibility. The new spaces are enveloped in a native planting palette, featuring sensory perennial gardens and prairie grasses, reducing water usage and creating a stronger sense of place. The early success of the courtyards will act as the catalysts for the transformation of the remaining campus into a place where the experience extends beyond the walls, establishing a relationship between the workplace interior and exterior.


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