Reforestation Offers Major New Green Space in Tokyo 


LocationTokyo, Japan
ClientDai Nippon Printing Company
Size5.4 ha

“Ichigaya Forest” is the privately owned, publicly accessible, major open space on Dai Nippon Printing Company’s 5.4-hectare new world headquarters in the Shinjuku Ward. Vertical development and production modernization that extends underground was made possible the creation of this 3.2-hectare open space. Over half the site is now planted with native trees, shrubs, and ground cover, creating a unique urban forest with peaceful pathways and small plazas to accommodate the 10,000 DNP employees and their Ichigaya neighbors.

The design team’s vision of returning a mature native forest to this dense urban neighborhood serves as a catalyst for similar future developments, and sets a precedent of resiliency for this Asian megalopolis. To recreate the native forest, SWA developed a “native” soil profile and natural drainage processes to promote infiltration and reduce runoff. Natural stormwater management processes are designed to enrich the forest and keep all rainfall on the site. Hardscape areas are minimized, to reduce surface runoff and heat island effect. Natural pavement materials are used in the secondary pedestrian circulation throughout the site, both to minimize environmental impacts and to look and feel like forest paths.

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