First significant outdoor public space creates a new campus heart


LocationBrooklyn, New York, United States
ClientDormitory Authority of the State of New York
Size1.5 acres

This new quad provides a unifying pedestrian connection between Bedford and Franklin Avenues and between existing and new campus buildings, finally providing the campus with a cohesive identity and sense of place. With the dramatic transformation of a parking lot into more campus green space comes the opportunity to integrate a series of sustainability strategies into the campus environment. A promenade serves as an academic hallway, and is bordered with a diverse array of seating opportunities and a series of garden rooms which serve as outdoor classrooms, living rooms, study spaces, and planted gardens. At its midpoint, the promenade swells into a large lawn area, a much-needed center to the campus for informal academic lounging and large gatherings such as performances, festivals, and the annual graduation ceremony.

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