Steven T. Lee, PLA, ASLA

Associate Principal

Steven T. Lee is a landscape architect and urban designer based in New York City with a passion for crafting meaningful, equitable, and resilient public spaces and urban landscapes. At SWA/Balsley he brings a strong design voice to lead complex public realm projects domestically and abroad, including urban master plans, parks, waterfronts, plazas, streetscapes, mixed-use developments, and academic campuses. Steven also helps nurture a dynamic and collaborative studio environment, enabling the SWA/Balsley design team to collectively generate great ideas and innovative solutions for all projects. In all his work, Steven continually strives to push boundaries around landscape narrative, performance, and experience. His work is notable for fusing human comfort and sociability with a formal language driven by culture and place.

Steven holds an undergraduate degree from Claremont McKenna College and a Master of Landscape Architecture and Master of City Planning from the University of California, Berkeley. He has served as a design critic or guest lecturer at numerous universities across the US including UC Berkeley, Penn State University, North Carolina A&T, Columbia University, and Cornell University.